There are several approaches to the practice of marketing. One of them is Sensory Marketing.
Basically, it consists of using the five typical human senses to leverage sales, establishing optimized and complete communication, improving your consumer's experience.
Understand better, in practice, how sensory marketing makes the difference:
How it works?
Of course, he learned the five senses while still in preschool, but it's worth remembering. Are they:
taste or taste
The ambition of any brand is to produce stimuli related to the five senses and, in this way, communicate values. With sensory marketing, the senses are strategically explored by brands, increasing the potential of all their elements (whether in promotional materials or at points of sale).
The great advantage of using this strategy is to be able to increase sales significantly, because it directly affects the consumer's emotions. In addition, the brand's positioning and identity are reinforced in the market through these practices over time.
Applying the strategy
Now that you know how sensory marketing works, it is important to know some of the strategies that are used thinking about each sense:
In the vision
The visual resource is the most used in Marketing strategies. Within this sense, two areas need special care:
- Visual Identity: logo, symbols and colors make all the difference in brand recognition. Remember that colors have meaning and stimulate specific feelings and reactions for those who see them!
- Atmosphere of the physical store: the environment of the physical points needs to be pleasant! Care must be taken from the lighting to the decoration and the colors that will be used in the place. This makes all the difference about the impression and stimulus you will make on the customer, depending on your goal!
At the audition
It is a fact that sound makes all the difference in our mood. Why not use this influence when your customer buys? The idea, in this sense, is that the sound helps to induce a certain emotion or attitude.
If you need people to be agile when shopping, for example, the ideal is to play music with a faster rhythm. However beware. Perhaps for your customer, soft and quiet music is more than enough to ensure a pleasant experience during the purchase process. You'll probably enjoy going through it again.
In the sense of smell
Smells have a great power to awaken feelings and even memories in your customers.
To help in this process, the tip is to develop an essence or even use an existing one, which can refer the customer to your products or shopping experience. It is nice to use scents in your stores, to ensure that smells outside the store do not disturb or harm your commercial environment. Also invest in the air conditioning of the place.
In tact
Many surveys show that when we touch the object we want, the possibility of buying it is much greater. Therefore, the strategy for this direction is linked to the experience that the consumer will have in the physical store.
To begin with, climate control makes the customer more comfortable. Try to select the best textures for some objects such as armchairs, dressing room curtains, counters and even the floor! Lastly, of course, remember to leave the product within easy reach for customers to touch.
On the palate
This is the most specific sense. Not all brands will be able to use it. But, if you work with food, it should be explored a lot.
The tip is to always have some food for customers to taste, as this gives more credibility for making the purchase.
But even if your company is not in the food business, it is worth providing some kind of snack for customers. This makes them more comfortable in the environment and can give good results!
Sensory Marketing is a powerful strategy that uses the five human senses to improve the consumer experience and drive sales. Now that you understand how it works, it's time to apply these strategies in practice!
Whatever your line of business, our team is ready to help you implement effective sensory marketing strategies. After all, offering a unique experience to your customers can make all the difference!
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Don't waste time, contact us today and take your brand to a new level of success with Sensory Marketing.