Bloggers are starting to become more and more valued in today's economy. Some already live from this recent job that the Internet and social networks have helped to popularize. In this article we will analyze this theme.
A blogger, as already mentioned in the introductory paragraph, is the author of a blog. It is thus the person who writes content in a space of this type. This content can be very varied and usually associated with each blog there is one or more main themes. Technology, fashion, food, lifestyte, are some of the most common themes.
The author of the blog thus produces, with some frequency, new content, within the theme of the blog and according to the interest of its readers. Due to their search by brands, some bloggers have built successful businesses.
What allows to have people today in Portugal that lives exclusively from blogging is the fact that the blogs can be effective forms of advertising. Usually a blog is a personal space in which readers give a high value to the opinions expressed. Thus, early brands began to realize that a reference on a blog could be more effective than other more traditional forms of advertising.
Having said that, it is not difficult to find blogs with many references to brands and products in his articles today. It is often basically advertising, paid for by companies.
If you own a business and you are looking for new customers, a partnership with a blog can be a good strategy. It should be noted, however, that choosing a blog is very important to maximize the return on your investment. You should be aware of the target audience of your advertising campaign and look for a blog whose readers are part of that profile. For example, if you want to advertise an online clothing store, it would be more appropriate to form a partnership with a fashion blog than with a blog about technology.
On the other hand, besides the dominant theme of the blog (what defines its audience) it is important to analyze the dimension that it has. It is usually this dimension that can make the price of an advertising campaign very different. That is, the more readers the blog has the more expensive it is a campaign. The differences here can be quite significant, so you should think well about your decision. In a top blog in Portugal a sponsored post can cost thousands of euros, while in a small blog we can be talking about only a few tens of euros.
Bloggers are increasingly looking for brands to promote their products. Being a personal space, a blog is usually seen by readers as a space of trust, where its authors express their views and opinions in an exempt way. Being a target of brand marketers' interest, bloggers have become a full-time profession due to the income they can earn. However, that this situation only happens with large blogs, which will be a small part of all existing blogs.